How to Develop Better Instructions For Use (IFU) and Common Pitfalls

The instructions that come with prescription combination drug products and medical devices are called Instructions For Use (IFU). An IFU, which provides detailed patient-use instructions, is a form of product labeling that is included with medications or devices that are given to end-users, typically patients or caregivers. An IFU guides patient understanding of how to […]

Improvita Celebrates ZELSUVMI™ FDA Approval for the Treatment of Molluscum Contagiosum

MADISON, Wis., January 25, 2024 — Improvita, Inc., a Madison-based company affiliated with Innovenn, Inc., that focuses on human factors testing, ethnographic field research, user interface and user experience testing for medical devices, software as a medical device (SaMD), and combination drug/medical device products, is pleased to announce that its partner, Ligand Pharmaceuticals, has received […]